independent independent怎么读
Dependent or Relative truth means that truth which is interdependent on a previous truth to exist. Why do we call our family members relatives? Because we are relative to one another. My father is relative to me. My existence is relative to his existence, and his existence is relative to his father&39;s existence. We are all relatives to one another; that means we are interdependent on one another for each other&39;s existence. That is the dependent or relative truth.
Now, the source of all relative truths cannot be a relative truth; it has to be the absolute truth or independent truth. Ultimately, either everything comes from nothing or everything comes from the absolute truth; everything cannot come from another relative truth. And if we accept that everything comes from the absolute truth or independent truth----which is more logical and scientifically consistent with our perception that everything does not come from nothing----then we have to study that absolute truth. Bhagavad-Gita is the scientific study of that absolute truth.
When we come to the level of the absolute truth, then there is no beginning and no end. This is because it is the source of all relativity, and it is transcendental-----beyond relativity.
摘自书籍《The Real You》(真正的你)
作者Radhanath Swami