立定跳远世界纪录 跳远世界纪录一览表

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爆发力(Muscular power, 单位时间里肌肉所能做出的功)是人体速度和力量完美结合的表现,以爆发力为主的运动项目或动作瞬间也因此成为竞技体育中“更快、更高、更强”的代表。在体适能的划分中,爆发力也一直是被认为是竞技(performance-related)或技能(skill-related)体适能(fitness)中一个重要组成部分。

Corbin, C. B., Pangrazi, R. P., & Franks, B. D. (2000). Definitions: Health, fitness, and physical activity. PCPFS Research Digest, 3(1), 1-8.

虽然爆发力远在古希腊就视为人类运动能力的代表,科学开始认识和测定爆发力一般都归结于100多年前哈佛大学教授Dudley Allen Sargent的工作。他创造众多的体能测验,其中的原地纵跳(Sargent Jump)测验就是迄今还在被广泛采用的爆发力测验。

·Bruce L. Bennett (1984) Dudley Allen Sargent: The Man and His Philosophy, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 55:9, 61-64, DOI:10.1080/07303084.1984.10630660

·Sargent, D. A. (1902). Universal Test for Strength, Speed and Endurance of the Human Body. Cambridge, MA: Powell Press.

·Sargent, D. A. (1914). Health, strength, and power. New York: Dodged Publishing Company.




另外一个常用的爆发力测验是立定跳远。有意思的是直到1912年,立定跳远还是个夏季奥运会的一个竞赛项目。第一个立定跳远的世界纪录是美国选手Ray Ewry在1904年创造的,他跳了3.47米。现在的世界纪录是美国的橄榄球选手在2015年创造的,他跳了3.73米。

因为早期的青少年体适能测定都是为准备年轻人打仗或参加竞技比赛所设,爆发力测验也当然被包括在其中。美国的国家级的青少年体适能测验是从1958年开始的,爆发力一直到1980年代用的都是立定跳远(见上表中的“Long Jump”)。

到了1985年,美国有100多年历史的老牌体育协会American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD; 现在叫The Society of Health and Physical Educators, “SHAPE America”)隆重推出健康体适能(Health-related Fitness)的概念和测验。我的博士导师Margaret J. Safrit和许多美国著名的运动健康大咖(例如Steven Blair、Andrew Jackson、Russell Pate、Tim Lohman、Kirk Cureton、Sharon Plowman等)都为这个青少年体适能测定历史性转身做出了贡献。该测验包括三个部分:

1.心肺功能 (Cardiorespiratory function):5-12岁用的是1-英里或9分钟跑;13岁或以上用的有氧之父所创造的1.5英里或12分钟跑;

2.身体成分 (Body composition):三头肌和肩胛下皮褶;

3.肌肉骨骼功能 (Musculoskeletal function): 1分钟改良仰卧起坐和体前屈。


Editors: Russell Pate, Maria Oria, and Laura Pillsbury. Authors: Committee on Fitness Measures and Health Outcomes in Youth; Food and Nutrition Board; Institute of Medicine.Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2012 Dec 10. ISBN-13: 978-0-309-26284-2ISBN-10: 0-309-26284-4


到了2011年,为准备时隔已20多年的全美青少年体适能调查,美国科学院旗下的医学研究院(Institute of Medicine)组织了一个专家团讨论2012的全美青少年体适能调查该测些什么指标。我也有幸应邀参加。我们的任务是在系统筛选和梳理研究文献后为负责调查的美国疾病防治中心(CDC)提供专家报告。报告在2012年发表(见上)。虽然已10年过去,该报告应该还是目前关于国外青少年体适能研究最系统的总结。



“musculoskeletal fitness is a multidimensional construct that encompasses three related components: muscle strength (the ability of skeletal muscle to produce force under controlled conditions), muscle endurance (the ability of skeletal muscle to perform repeated contractions against a load), and muscle power (the peak force of a skeletal muscle multiplied by the velocity of the muscle contraction) ” 。


“adequate experimental and prospective longitudinal evidence supports the relationship between the multidimensional construct of musculoskeletal fitness and health”。


“The second most frequently assessed relationship in the committee’s review was between muscle strength and power measures and bone health outcomes. Four studies provide indirect evidence of positive associations between measures of upper-body (i.e., the handgrip, shoulder flexion and extension, biceps curl, chest fly), trunk (i.e., chest press), and lower-body (i.e., knee-quadriceps extension, hamstring curl, squat, long jump) strength and power using a variety of skeletal measures (i.e., total-body, lumbar spine, femoral neck, and proximal femur bone mineral content [BMC] or bone mineral density [BMD]), mainly in normal pre- and pubertal/menarcheal girls of normal weight (Heinonen et al., 2000; Kontulainen et al., 2002; Morris et al., 1997) ” 。


“The committee found growing evidence supporting the handgrip and standing long jump tests as putative health-related (i.e., bone health and body composition) musculoskeletal fitness test items in youth. The handgrip strength test demonstrates moderate to strong validity with both upper- and lower-body criterion strength measures. The standing long jump, although not strictly a measure of pure muscle strength, demonstrates acceptable concurrent validity with lower- and upper-body criterion strength measures and lower-body power measures in youth. ”。

报告出笼后,美国目前的国家青少年体适能测验,即FitnessGram(体适能电报),为建立握力和爆发力测验的健康标准开展了一系列研究。因为有研究表明,和原地纵跳比,立定跳远距离的远近受技术动作的影响较大,因此可能不能准确测定一个人的爆发力 (详见Veligekas、Tsoukos & Bogdanis,2012;Rittweger, Schiessl, Felsenberg & Runge, 2004),FitnessGram因此决定用纵跳作为它的爆发力测验。有关青少年握力和骨健康标准的论文近期会用一个专辑来发表。

·Rittweger, J., Schiessl, H., Felsenberg, D., & Runge, M. (2004). Reproducibility of the jumping mechanography as a test of mechanical power output in physically competent adult and elderly subjects. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 52(1), 128-131.

·Veligekas, P., Tsoukos, A., & Bogdanis, G. C. (2012). Determinants of standing long jump performance in 9-12 year old children. Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences, 6(4): 147-155.

“Old is new”(旧变新)是时尚界常常可以看到的一个现象。有意思的转了一圈,爆发力又从竞技体适能华丽变身跨界到了健康体适能,重新回到青少年体适能测定的舞台!欢迎!
