我将永远爱你 我将永远爱你英文歌
南丽 Lily Nan
南丽,女, 中国医学科学院免疫学硕士,美国医学博士,
目前为美国水彩画协会AWS( American Watercolor Society)会员,
美国国家水彩画协会NWS (National Watercolor Society)会员,
美国休斯顿水彩画协会( Watercolor Art Society-Houston)会员
美国加州水彩画协会CWA( California Watercolor Association)会员。
The meaning of life is given by ourselves, all the sacredness is hidden in the ordinary, we give ourselves to time, and we rise up to write the infinite possibilities of life with the invisible inner drive. In the end, we meet our better selves.
Experience the blooming of life in the present moment that comes one after another.
What could be better than this? !
——The painting whisper
《天使》 《Angel》
《闹元宵》《Lantern Festival》
《藏族少年》《Tibetan Boy》
《畲族姑娘》,《Girl in Ethnic Costume》
《祖母》《Great Grandma》
《恩爱岁月》《Love of 67 Years》
《中华之鼎》《China tripod》
2021年1月 《期待》入选第44届休斯敦水媒体绘画展(IWE)。
《 春游小憩》2021年5月入选马来西亚国际艺术网络大赛“人物肖像类”。
2021年7月 《脱贫了》获宁波市艺术大赛二等奖。。
2021年9月《等待》入选国际女水彩画家大赛(Women in Watercolor)。
2021年11月 《晨曦起舞》入选马来西亚国际大奖赛“动物类”。
2021年12月 《等待》入选西班牙肖像画展。
2022年1月 《花楸树》入选加拿大圣诞节国际画展。
2022年1月 《金色阳光》入选美国AWS第155届国际水彩画展。
2022年1月 《藏族少年》入选第45届休斯顿水媒体绘画展(IWE)。
Lily Nan, Master Degree of Immunology, MD. Engaged in biomedical research and product development for more than 30 years.
Dr. Nan first began watercolor painting in September 2018. She is now a member of numerous watercolor societies, including AWS (American Watercolor Society), NWS (National Watercolor Society), Watercolor Art Society-Houston and CWA (California Watercolor Association), among others.
In November 2020, her work &34;Diamond Life&34; was selected for the &34;Landscape category&34; of the Malaysia International Art Competition.
In December 2020, &34;Great-Grandmother&34; was selected for the 2021 Jingmen Small Watercolor Works Exhibition (in-person exhibition).
In December 2020, &34;Tajik Grandpa&34; and &34;Fallen Leaves Returning to the Roots&34; were selected for the annual network exhibition of the JianChongzhi Watercolor Art Home.
In January 2021, &34;Expecting&34; was selected for the 44th Annual International Water-media Exhibit-Houston (IWE).
In May 2021, &34;Spring Outing Rest&34; was selected for the &34;Portrait Category&34; of the Malaysia International Art Competition.
In July 2021, “Harvest” won the second prize in Ningbo Art Competition.
In September 2021, &34;Expecting&34; was selected for the AWS Member Exhibition.
In May 2021, &34;Waiting&34; was selected for the International Women in Watercolor Painters Competition.
In November 2021, &34;Good Morning&34; was selected for the &34;Animal Category&34; of the Malaysia International Art Competition.
In December 2021, &34;Waiting&34; was selected for the Spanish Portrait Competition.
In January 2022, &34;Capalta Tree&34; was selected for the XMAS International Exhibition-2021.
In January 2022, &34;Sunshine&34; was selected for the AWS the 155th International Watercolor Exhibition.
In January 2022, &34;Tibetan Boy&34; was selected for the 45th Annual International Water-media Exhibit-Houston (IWE).
In March 2022, “Sunrise” was selected for the “Beauty of California” exhibition of CWA.