drum是什么意思 drum是什么意思英语

时间:2023-04-30 05:56/span> 作者:tiger 分类: 新知 浏览:8586 评论:0

drumstick /?dr?mst?k/

n. 鼓槌;(煮食的鸡或其他禽类的)腿下段,琵琶腿

&34;one of the sticks used in beating a drum,&34; 1580s, from drum (n.) + stick (n.); applied to the lower joint of cooked fowl by 1764.

在英国维多利亚时代一些在令人看来极为普通的词曾被列为禁忌词,如trousers(裤子),breast(胸脯)等。对于这些词人们避而不用,每每代之以委婉语。leg(腿)也是其中之一,人们不说leg,而说limb等。为了避免引起一些人的不愉快,鸡胸脯被称做white meat,

white meat

而鸡腿被称为dark meat 或 drumstick,drumstick意思是“鼓槌”,一度被作为leg的委婉语使用,现一般用以指“鸡腿下段”,因其形似鼓槌。


Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is delicate and easy to chew.


The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady. &34;Take this, it&39;s your favorite.&34;

