小屁孩日记1 小屁孩日记1主要内容

时间:2023-05-04 07:06/span> 作者:tiger 分类: 新知 浏览:7508 评论:0


The drive slammed on the brakes and he turned his truck around. Me and Rowley started running, but those guys were right on our heels.


The only place I could think of that was safe was Gramma&39;s house, so we cut through a couple backyards to get there. Gramma was in bed already, but I knew she keeps a key under the mat on her front porch.


Once we got inside, I looked out the window to see if those guys had followed us, and sure enough, they did. I tried to trick them into leaving, but they wouldn&39;t budge.


After a while, we realized the teenagers were going to wait us out, so we decided we were just gonna have to spend the night at Gramma&39;s. That&39;s when we started getting cocky, making monkey noises at the teenagers and whatnot.

过了一会儿,我发现这帮小青年跟我们耗上了,非要把我们等出来不可。所以我们决定干脆就在奶奶家过夜 。这下就有恃无恐了。我们开始嚣张起来,学猴子乱叫,嘲弄他们。

Well, at least I was making monkey noises. Rowley was kind of making owl noises, but I guess it was the same genera idea.


猛一刹车 撒腿就跑 紧跟其后 我费尽心思想把他们骗走 一动不动 跟我们耗上了 过夜 有恃无恐 学猴子叫 学猴子叫



She braked sharply to avoid another car.


He sped through the street with the policeman hot on his heels.


He refused to budge from Beijing.


