丝绸之路英文 丝绸之路介绍英文
世界银行集团发布的研究报告显示,辅以深层政策改革以提高透明度,改善债务可持续性,减少环境、社会和腐败风险,“一带一路”倡议可促进该地区国家之间的贸易发展并增加全球实际收入。 "Deeper policy reforms" of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will help the mechanism boost trade among nations in the region and increase global real income, a study published by the World Bank has found. Such reforms should be designed to "increase transparency, expand trade, improve debt sustainability, and mitigate environmental, social, and corruption risks," said the study.
中国古人说:“万物得其本者生,百事得其道者成。”共建“一带一路”,顺应经济全球化的历史潮流,顺应全球治理体系变革的时代要求,顺应各国人民过上更好日子的强烈愿望。 An ancient Chinese philosopher observed that "plants with strong roots grow well, and efforts with the right focus will ensure success." The Belt and Road cooperation embraces the historical trend of economic globalization, responds to the call for improving the global governance system and meets people's longing for a better life. ——2019年4月26日,习近平在第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲
政策沟通 policy coordination
设施联通 infrastructure connectivity
贸易畅通 unimpeded trade
资金融通 financial integration
民心相通 people-to-people bond