双重否定句是什么意思 双重否定6个例子

时间:2023-04-23 20:15/span> 作者:tiger 分类: 新知 浏览:6642 评论:0

Did your English grammar teacher ever tell youthat it&39;s incorrect to use a double negativesentence? Well they were wrong! Englishspeakers use these kinds of sentences all thetime! We even see one in today&39;s lesson: &34;Zara&39;ssuccess hasn&39;t been without controversy.&34; So whydon&39;t we just say &34;Zara&39;s success has had lots ofcontroversy&34; or something like that? Well, usuallywhen English speakers use a double negative, they are emphasizing something. In this case wewant to emphasize that even though Zara issuccessful, it has also had a lot of controversy.

你的英语语法老师是否曾经说过不能使用双重否定句?他们讲错了。英语里有很多这种句子!今天的课程上就有一个。&34;Zara&39;s success hasn&39;t beenwithout controversy.(Zara的成功并非没有争议)&34;。为什么不简单地说成『Zara的成功有很多争议』呢?一般英语里用双重否定的时候,就是在强调某事。在这里,我们用双重否定想表达的是,Zara虽然很成功,他也遇到过很多争议。

Often, people will add a possessive pronoun like&34;his&34; &34;her&34; or &34;its&34; before the noun. This doesn&39;tchange the meaning, but rather just makes itsound more natural. Most importantly, you canuse this pattern with many different tense of theverb &34;to be.&34; Let&39;s take a look at a few morecommon examples below:

人们通常会在名词前加上his, her或者its. 这并不会改变意思,但是听起来却更加自然一些。最重要的是,用这种结构你可以使用动词的不同时态。我们来看几个常见的例子吧:

* Their relationship hasn&39;t been without its problems.他们的关系也不是没有问题。

* The product tests haven&39;t been without success.产品测试并非没有成功过。

* Our growth hasn&39;t been without struggle and setbacks.我们的成长之路并非一帆风顺。

* The movie, although popular, isn&39;t without its critics.那个电影虽然很受欢迎,但也不是没有批评的声音。

* His journey wasn&39;t without its ups and downs.他一路走来不乏波折。
